Paul Cobbaut
2000 Antwerp

Find me here:
3D designs and prints at
My Linux Fundamentals book at
Some source code and stuff on
Random videos (and some unique music) on
A blog
I have a BVBA called NetSec since the nineties (NOT looking for work).
I once solved a sane bug.

Stuff I like:
I put Debian on everything.
Ever couple of years I get back to playing OpenTTD.
Currently Factorio is my favorite sandbox.
There are always things to do with a Raspberry Pi computer.
imho Civ IV is still the best in the Civilization series and Caveman2Cosmos is the best mod.
I had a good run with Kerbal Space Program up until all the developers left.
Many hours went into Wesnoth, but that was a long time ago.
A lot of fun was had discovering sensors connected to an Arduino
My favorite toy is the Lego Mindstorms NXT computer with a working NBC program.
I wrote a humble nml script that generates Flemish sounding town names.

Some websites I visit:
Planet grep
FreeCAD forum
TTD forum

I am not on: Discord, Facebook, Instagram, OnlyFans, Pinterest, QQ, Reddit, Tiktok, Twitch, Twitter, WeChat, Whatsapp
Do NOT message me on linkedin, I never use this.

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Link love to is welcome!